Francisco Monserrat
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Research group SINGACOM
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y Aplicada
Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain

Research interests

Algebraic Geometry, Singularity Theory, Foliation Theory, Commutative Algebra, Coding Theory

Contact information

Office location: 204, 1H building
Email: framonde((at))

Scientific publications

Publications at ORCID, Google Scholar, Web of Science, MathScinet

  1. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat; C. J. Moreno-Ávila; E. Pérez-Callejo. On the Degree of Curves with Prescribed Multiplicities and Bounded Negativity. International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN). 16, pp. 13757 - 13779, 2023 . [paper] [arXiv]
  2. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat; C. J. Moreno-Ávila. Seshadri-type constants and Newton-Okounkov bodies for non-positive at infinity valuations of Hirzebruch surfaces. Quaestiones Mathematicae. 2023. [paper] [arXiv]
  3. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat; E. Pérez-Callejo. Algebraic integrability of planar polynomial vector fields by extensions to Hirzebruch surfaces. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. 2022. [paper] [arXiv]
  4. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat; C. J. Moreno-Ávila. Discrete Equivalence of Non-positive at Infinity Plane Valuations. Results in Mathematics. 76, 2021.[paper] [eprint]
  5. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat; J. Olivares. Foliations with isolated singularities on Hirzebruch surfaces. Forum Mathematicum. 33, pp. 1471 - 1486. 2021. [paper] [eprint]
  6. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat; J.-J. Moyano; Matthias Nickel. Newton-Okounkov bodies of exceptional curve valuations. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana. 36, pp. 2147 - 2182. 2020. [paper] [eprint]
  7. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat; C. J. Moreno-Ávila. Non-positive and negative at infinity divisorial valuations of Hirzebruch surfaces. Revista Matemática Complutense. 33, pp. 349 - 372, 2020. [paper] [eprint]
  8. F. Hernando; G. McGuire; F. Monserrat; J.-J. Moyano. Quantum codes from a new construction of self-orthogonal algebraic geometry codes. Quantum Information Processing. 19, pp. 1 - 25. 2020. [paper] [eprint]
  9. A. Ferragut; C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. On the computation of Darboux first integrals of a class of planar polynomial vector fields. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 478, pp. 743 - 763. 2019. [paper] [eprint]
  10. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat; J.-J. Moyano. Minimal plane valuations. Journal of Algebraic Geometry. 27, pp. 751 - 783. 2018. [paper] [eprint]
  11. F. Monserrat; S. Xambó Deschamps. Antonio Campillo: a portrayal of his life and work. Singularities, algebraic geometry, commutative algebra and related topics: Festschrift for Antonio Campillo on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday.pp. 1 - 36. Springer, Cham, 2018. [paper]
  12. C. Galindo; F. Hernando; F. Monserrat; R. Pellikaan. The Poincaré polynomial of a linear code. Singularities, Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Related Topics. pp. 525 - 535. 2018. [paper] [eprint]
  13. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. The cone of curves and the Cox ring of rational surfaces given by divisorial valuations. Advances in Mathematics. 290, pp. 1040 - 1061. 2016. [paper] [eprint]
  14. C. Galindo; F. Hernando; F. Monserrat. The log-canonical threshold of a plane curve. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 160, pp. 513 - 535. 2016. [paper] [eprint]
  15. A. Ferragut; C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. A class of polynomial planar vector fields with polynomial first integral. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 430, pp. 354 - 380. 2015. [paper] [eprint]
  16. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. Evaluation codes defined by finite families of plane valuations at infinity. Designs Codes and Cryptography. 70, pp. 189 - 213. 2014. [paper] [eprint]
  17. F. Hernando; G. McGuire; F. Monserrat. On the classification of exceptional planar functions over F_p. Geometriae Dedicata. 173, pp. 1 - 35. 2014. [paper] [eprint]
  18. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. The Poincaré problem, algebraic integrability and dicritical divisors. Journal of Differential Equations. 256, pp. 3614 - 3633. 2014. [paper] [eprint]
  19. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. The Abhyankar-Moh theorem for plane valuations at infinity. Journal of Algebra. 374, pp. 181 - 194. 2013. [paper] [eprint]
  20. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. Finite families of plane valuations: value semigroup, graded algebra and Poincaré series. Contemporary Mathematics. 566, pp. 189 - 212. 2012. [paper] [eprint]
  21. F. Monserrat. Fibers of pencils of curves on smooth surfaces. International Journal of Mathematics. 22, pp. 1433 - 1437. 2011. [paper] [eprint]
  22. F. Monserrat. Lins Neto's examples of foliations and the Mori cone of blow-ups of P2. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 43, pp. 335 - 346. 2011. [paper] [eprint]
  23. F. Monserrat; C. Galindo. On the characterization of algebraically integrable plane foliations. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 362 - 9, pp. 4557 - 4568. 2010. [paper] [eprint]
  24. F. Monserrat; C. Galindo. The Poincaré series of multiplier ideals of a simple complete ideal in a local ring of a smooth surface. Advances in Mathematics. 225 - 2, pp. 1046 - 1068. 2010. [paper] [arXiv]
  25. A. Campillo; G. González-Sprinberg; F. Monserrat. Configurations of infinitely near points. Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 3, pp. 113 - 158. 2009. [paper]
  26. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. delta-sequences and evaluation codes defined by plane valuations at infinity. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 98 - 3, pp. 714 - 740. 2009. [paper] [eprint]
  27. F. Monserrat. Curves having one place at infinity and linear systems on rational surfaces. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 211 - 3, pp. 685 - 701. 2007. [paper]
  28. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. Algebraic integrability of foliations of the plane. Journal of Differential Equations. 231, pp. 611 - 632. 2006. [paper]
  29. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. The cone of curves associated to a plane configuration. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 80 - 1, pp. 75 - 93. 2005. [paper]
  30. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. The total coordinate ring of a smooth projective surface. Journal of Algebra. 284 - 1, pp. 91 - 101. 2005. [paper]
  31. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat. On the cone of curves and of line bundles of a rational surface. International Journal of Mathematics. 15 - 4, pp. 393 - 407. 2004. [paper]


  1. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat; E. Pérez-Callejo. Algebraic integrability with bounded genus. [arXiv]
  2. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat; C. J. Moreno-Ávila. The cone of curves and the Cox ring of rational surfaces over Hirzebruch surfaces. [arXiv]
  3. C. Galindo; F. Monserrat, C. J. Moreno-Ávila; J. J. Moyano-Fernández. On the valuative Nagata conjecture [arXiv]

Current teaching

  1. Estructuras algebraicas I. Dobles Grados de Matemáticas y Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Matemáticas e Ingeniería Civil, Matemáticas e Ingeniería Informática y Matemáticas e Ingeniería de Sistemas de Telecomunicación. UPV.
  2. Métodos Algebraicos y sus Aplicaciones. Master en Investigación Matemática. UPV.
  3. Álgebra. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática (UPV).

Previous teaching

  1. Matemática Discreta. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática (UPV).
  2. Análisis Matemático. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática (UPV).
  3. Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Ingeniería. Ingeniería Técnica Industrial. E.T.S. de Ingeniería Industrial (UPV).
  4. Bases Matemáticas para la Ingeniería. E.T.S. de Diseño Industrial (UPV).
  5. Cálculo Numérico y Simbólico. Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestión (Universitat Jaume I).
  6. Cálculo Numérico y Simbólico. Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas (Universitat Jaume I).
  7. Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Informática. Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas (Universitat Jaume I).